They can't live without it. We can - 2018

Ghebaly Gallery

©Photographie Jeff McLane

Vue de l’exposition / Exhibition view : They can't live without it. We can - Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles - 2018

Le titre de l’exposition à la Ghebaly Gallery en 2018 They can't live without it. We can est également emprunté à Nasim Najafi Aghdam. Elle fait référence à la fourrure des animaux (que nous tuons pour nous habiller), dans le cadre d’une action militante végane.

The title of the exhibition at the Ghebaly Gallery in 2018 They can't live without it. We can is also borrowed from Nasim Najafi Aghdam. It refers to the fur of animals (that we kill to dress ourselves), as part of an activist vegan action.